Journeying in Faith

A life journeying in faith is exciting, one is always moving forward, even though sometimes we may have to stand still for a while (I’ll come back to this point in another post!). One strives towards perfection, a kind of striving towards something that is more than oneself.

Prayer moves us forward

With this in mind, Robert and I were on our way to Sunday mass and we were reminding our children about the general outline of what happens during mass. Our kids were asking about the need for prayers, they are still young and find it difficult to remain engaged throughout the entire celebration of mass, as they don’t understand just yet what prayer is. I didn’t have time to explain in great detail, but in time I hope that they will come to understand that, it is prayer that moves us forward; it is prayer that feeds our soul – our soul being that entire inner state; yes, that striving to connect with something more than oneself – that something more being, to become, one day, united with our Creator in heaven.

The Journey of Faith

Journeying in faith is a spiritual movement throughout one’s life towards a destination: Heaven. There are many different types of prayers, official church prayers used in liturgical church ceremonies, devotional prayers like the rosary and novenas, prayers of intercession & petition, blessing & thanksgiving, and praise & worship. But, my favourite prayer is conversation, a two way conversation, a prayer that builds relationship with our Creator. Starting out, just using simple language, “Hello Father in heaven, it’s me Angela, here I am. Thank you for creating me, let’s connect!

More on the Journey of faith

Listen to some of my songs here on Youtube



  1. Renee Doyle on July 22, 2018 at 5:28 pm

    Beautifully articulated and thought provoking Angela. I particularly share your idea of prayer using simple conversation.
    To me, that seems the most natural way, as we use our own words, that spring from our thoughts, rather than those written by others, regardless of their eloquence.

  2. Walk with God - Angela Mahon Angela Mahon % on August 7, 2018 at 5:51 pm

    […] More on walking with God […]

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